How Do I Lead Change?

Who to Work With?

What is Our Challenge?


What is Our Challenge?

There is no partnering or collaboration without a common goal or agenda. It is also important to have agreement amongst stakeholders and potential partners on the definition of the problem in the first place.

This section focuses on identifying the problem and pinpointing the root cause issues that need to be addressed for effective change. Utilising specific tools and methodologies helps gain clarity and consensus on the challenges, which in turn enables the development of targeted solutions to drive meaningful progress. These steps are essential in advancing collaborative efforts and achieving desired outcomes.

The overarching themes for this section are:

Common Goal for Collaboration: Without a shared objective or agenda, effective partnering and collaboration become challenging. Agreement among stakeholders on the problem definition is essential.

Identifying and Addressing Challenges: Asking “What is our challenge?” focuses on pinpointing the root cause issues. Specific tools and methodologies aid in gaining clarity, consensus, and developing targeted solutions.

Key tools to work with

Affinity Diagram

These diagrams can play a vital role in organising and synthesising large amounts of information gathered during the discovery phase, aiding in identifying patterns and themes within the data. This visual representation helps in gaining clarity and consensus among stakeholders regarding the main challenges to be addressed.

The Five Why's

This technique offers a simple yet powerful approach to get to the root cause of a problem. By repeatedly asking “why” about the identified issue, stakeholders can uncover deeper layers of causality, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the problem.

Theory of Change

The Theory of Change provides a structured framework for understanding the causal relationships between actions and outcomes. This approach helps in formulating a strategic plan by mapping out the steps needed to achieve the desired change and identifying the interventions required to address the identified challenge effectively.
