Learning by Doing

Sustaining Partnerships

Sustaining Change


Learning by Doing

Learning by doing is an approach that helps you to become more effective in delivering change, by being able to respond flexibly and adaptively to changes in the system when they happen.

This section will give you tools to put knowledge-sharing protocols in place (an essential part of learning processes), how to set up learning networks, and the different learning styles of individuals and organisations that you need to take into account. It will also give you tools to measure the health and progress of your partnering process.

The resources provided are divided into several key areas:

  • Adaptive Planning and Management: Emphasises a cyclical process of reflection and adjustment, supported by robust feedback mechanisms.
  • Knowledge Sharing for Change: Focuses on defining clear protocols and leveraging knowledge sharing to drive organizational change.
  • Learning Networks and Communities of Practice: Highlighted as means to foster collaboration through regular meetings and events.
  • Kolb Framework for Learning Styles: Recommended to tailor teaching methods to individual preferences.
  • Measuring Partnering Progress: Tools such as the EDP Eight Attributes for Effective Partnering and the TPI Partnership Healthcheck are introduced to assess and enhance the effectiveness of partnerships over time.



Measuring partnering progress

Partnership Health Check

Learning styles and facilitation techniques



Knowledge sharing for change

Knowledge Sharing for Change

Learning networks and communities of practice

Communities of Practice and NetworksCommunities Versus Networks

Measuring partnering progress

Collaborating Isn't the Only Option


Learning styles and facilitation techniques

Experiential Learning Videos