Case study
Recipes for Partnering:
Ingredients and methods for food system change in South Africa
Key Actors
Economic Development Partnership (EDP), Centre for Cities, Southern Africa Food Lab
Partnering and collaboration are essential elements for food system change, particularly in South Africa where the mandate for food is scattered across government departments, and the food system is largely driven by market forces rather than nutritional needs. There are also many competing approaches to addressing food security, which include providing food aid as a safety net to the poor, increasing food production, prioritising rural development, strengthening consumer agency and government regulation, and improving nutrition and diet.
There are many ways to partner, yet as with any recipe, a partnering process starts with the basics and can be adapted and improved over time. This guide reflects the outcomes of a Recipes for Partnering workshop – held under Food Dialogues 2022 – which brought together government and civil society representatives working to improve food security in the Western Cape. The four case studies included here highlight key elements for success, which we hope provide inspiration for future collaboration.
The publication was produced in partnership with the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (EDP), African Centre for Cities, Southern Africa Food Lab, and the South African Food and Farming Trust.