Origin of The Partnering Platform
Urbanisation in South Africa is faced with mounting and complex challenges rooted in the legacies of apartheid governance and spatial planning. Despite many policies developed post-democracy to redress the past, implementation has remained an issue.
South African’s government has acknowledged the need for partnering for successful policy implementation, but struggles with implementing the partnering process because of a lack of partnering capacity.
The Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (EDP) has broad expertise in partnering methodology, which helps guide people and their organisations on journeys of change, co-designing collaborative processes and building bridges between various stakeholders.
The Cities Support Programme (CSP) is located within the inter-governmental relations (IGR) division of the South African National Treasury (NT). It acts as a change agent and a vehicle for collaboration and integration, and aims to improve the capacity of cities, and to create an enabling intergovernmental fiscal system and policy environment to support city-led transformation.
Together, the EDP, and the CSP have developed a Partnering Toolkit. The aim of the complete toolkit is to offer practical approaches to problem-solving through partnerships, thus creating an enabling environment for well-managed government entities and other organisations.
This toolkit, along with other partnering tools and resources, is hosted on The Partnering Platform, an online platform that describes and enables practical approaches to problem-solving through partnering. In its broadest sense, the Partnering Platform helps people and their organisations identify how to approach partnering, who to partner with and when to partner.