Unlock partnering wisdom

Gain insights into partnering methodologies and strategies from relevant stakeholders with partnering expertise, enhancing understanding and proficiency.

Diverse perspectives for growth

Access a wide array of perspectives and specialised knowledge, fostering holistic development and adaptability.

Take a strategic approach

Utilise the comprehensive toolkit to precisely identify partners, formulate strategic approaches, and initiate partnerships at optimal timing.

Unlock Partnering Wisdom

Gain insights into partnering methodologies and strategies from relevant stakeholders with partnering expertise, enhancing understanding and proficiency.

Diverse perspectives for growth

Access a wide array of perspectives and specialised knowledge, fostering holistic development and adaptability.

Take a Strategic Approach

Utilise the comprehensive toolkit to precisely identify partners, formulate strategic approaches, and initiate partnerships at optimal timing.

Empowering stakeholders across sectors

The platform broadly benefits government entities, organisations (civil society, non-profits, non-government and private sector), and individuals (academics, consultants, researchers and practitioners)  

Partnering Platform at a glance


DISCOVER is a collaborative process focused on identifying problems and establishing shared goals. It entails exploring opportunities, recognizing strengths, and aligning interests to pave the way for effective problem-solving and goal achievement.


DEFINE entails establishing clear objectives, roles, and expectations. It outlines collaboration's scope, sets milestones, and clarifies responsibilities, crucial for effective teamwork, fostering shared understanding and driving collective progress in partnerships.


To ACTIVATE is to mobilise resources, engage stakeholders, and align efforts toward shared objectives catalysing enthusiasm and energising participants for effective teamwork and mutual success.


To DELIVER in partnering means completing agreed tasks for shared goals promptly and with high quality. It's about fulfilling commitments effectively to achieve mutual objectives in collaborations.


To ADAPT means flexibly adjusting strategies, processes, and roles in response to change or new information. Through continuous learning and refinement, it enhances effectiveness, enabling partners to navigate complexities and sustain collaborative success.

Partnering Perspectives:

The key to successful partnerships

Partnering Perspectives:

Partnering in times of crises

Partnering Dictionary

Enjoy access to our partnering dictionary which offers a wealth of partnering terminology.

Support Organisations

Unlock support from organizations vital to this collaborative platform's success, empowering you with invaluable connections and resources.

Going to Waste

A stuck partnership at a waste reclaiming centre.

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Events and blog posts

Explore the latest blog posts and events, stay informed and engaged with our dynamic platform’s diverse and exciting activities.


Revisit the Futurecasting event to learn more on how the public sector is using the power of data to improve service delivery and build resilient digital futures.

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The Social Employment Network

Read more on how the Social Employment Network (SEN) uses a learning and support network to tackle the high unemployment crisis.

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A Strategy for Collective Impact

Learn how the Partnership Implementation Model is used as a strategic approach to overcome implementation challenges of the Just Energy Transition.

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Meet the partnering organisations