South African Cities Network

South African Cities Network


A network of South African cities and partners that encourages the exchange of information, experience and best practice on urban development and city management


Services Offered: Promoting shared-learning partnerships between different spheres of government to support the management of South African cities; research, knowledge sharing, peer learning & innovation; collecting, analysing and disseminating the experiences of large city government in a South African context.


Siphelelisiwe Ntombela

Reos Partners

Reos Partners


Reos Partners works with leading individuals and institutions over the long term to address complex societal issues in a systemic and collaborative way. We work with diverse stakeholders to shift narratives and develop, deploy, and institutionalise more equitable and durable solutions and partnerships. We have developed deep expertise through over 20 years of applying our methodologies in over 50 countries.


We work with people, building their systems leadership and collaboration capacity in diverse, complex, and uncertain settings.  We help them to:

  • Work with divergent actors, drives and interests
  • Attend to issues of agency, power, equity, and inclusion

We work with leading institutions focused on systems change/transformation work to:

  • Become more systemic and collaborative organisations, inside and outside (build the DNA)
  • Build systemic and collaborative strategies, approaches, and structures/ operating systems

We design and guide multi-stakeholder initiatives and alliances to solve complex problems collaboratively and transform systems by:

  • Exploring and imagining possible futures and narratives
  • Collaboratively designing, testing and implementing strategic solutions to complex collective challenges


Mahmood Sonday

Kaiser Economic Development Partners

Kaiser Economic Development Partners


Kaiser Economic Development Partners provides strategic, partnership and implementation support to cities, government, international development organisations, development agencies and other organisations involved in socio-economic development in Africa.


Socio-economic partnering facilitation; multi-stakeholder process facilitation; support to multi-organisational teams; joint problem solving and co-design of implementation; research, strategy, advisory, technical services; policy and strategy development.


Rupert Barnard